24. Notebook + Quiz: Bootstrapping


So, you may not have noticed that you have already been performing bootstrap sampling throughout this lesson. As well as in earlier lessons with Binomial events and die rolls. The fact that once you flip a head or roll a 6, you can continue to flip or roll that value again means that it is replaced even after being selected.

To make this more explicit, you will perform some tasks in this notebook that use bootstrap sampling, as well as some that involve sampling without replacement.


If you need a code on the https://github.com/udacity.

Question 1. Use the resulting values from 1. in the notebook above to select all of the statements here that are true.

  • This sampling is an example of bootstrap sampling.

Question 2. Select all of the statements that are true about the code you ran in 2. above.

  • The code broke.
  • The `replace=False` portion did not allow us to select 20 times from an array of only 6 values.
  • This was an example of sampling without replacement.